A fiction audiobook with effects and dramatization, presented in serial format, DOLEO tells the story of a truly decent man with a unique affliction, who, via the trying experiences of his life, reaches a breaking point propelling him into the world of vigilantism. Upon embarking on this well-intentioned mission, DOLEO evolves into a vigilante story unlike any you've ever read or heard, with an emphasis on realism, it explores the overwhelming odds, slip-ups, and failures that would accompany an everyman deciding to take the law into his owns hands. With an aim to make the world a more equitable place, can Ryder Daniels find the hero inside himself in time to stop a menacing force, or will he perish at the hands of power before he can effectuate the change he so desperately yearns for?
Doleo - Episode 16 - Warranted
Jared L. Cantin and Joshua Cantin
Season 1
Episode 18
Detective Ross presses the investigation, and Dad again demonstrates his desperately needed wisdom. We're induced to DOLEO, and a vigilante is born. Will Ryder stay out of prison long enough for DOLEO to even get started?
Musical Credits:
Track: Suspense Scary Music
Music provided by Oak Studios
Suspense Ambiance Sound 9
To see the credits for the talented individuals that help make Doleo possible, please go to DoleoPodcast.com and click on the Credits page. Click the links and please give them a look!