A fiction audiobook with effects and dramatization, presented in serial format, DOLEO tells the story of a truly decent man with a unique affliction, who, via the trying experiences of his life, reaches a breaking point propelling him into the world of vigilantism. Upon embarking on this well-intentioned mission, DOLEO evolves into a vigilante story unlike any you've ever read or heard, with an emphasis on realism, it explores the overwhelming odds, slip-ups, and failures that would accompany an everyman deciding to take the law into his owns hands. With an aim to make the world a more equitable place, can Ryder Daniels find the hero inside himself in time to stop a menacing force, or will he perish at the hands of power before he can effectuate the change he so desperately yearns for?
Doleo - Episode 27 - Season One Finale (Through the Fire Part 2 of 2)
Jared L. Cantin and Joshua Cantin
Season 1
Episode 27
Doleo and Rodney face off one final time, with everything on the line, in this intense, high stakes conclusion to Doleo's origin story.
Sad Rap Instrumental -FREEBEAT - Despair- Prod. by Cazar Beatz
To see additional credits for the talented individuals that help make Doleo possible, please go to DoleoPodcast.com and click on the Credits page. Click the links and please give them all a look!